Insurance Quotes |
eSurance | Hartford AARP | Allstate | 21st Century |
On this page we help you get the lowest cost auto insurance policy. There can be huge differences in annual premiums between the different insurers, Our members have reported saving hundreds of Dollars by comparison shopping the different insurance companies on this page. And that's not bad for 5 to 10 minutes of "work". Yes, you must fill out the application all the way to the boring end...keep one open, then "copy-paste" the data to the next one, but you must complete the forms to get a quote and to save bucks!
Why such a big variance in insurance premiums ? Maybe one company likes your "statistical profile" more than others, based on their insurance claims statistical history. Or, the opposite, maybe a customer for one insurance company, who has a similar statistical profile as you, had a big claim, and skewed their statistics the other way, making it expensive for you.
If you're a safe, succesfully defensive driver like me, you never use your insurance (I haven't talked to any insurance people in over 10 years), you just want the lowest premium, as it is "wasted" money, required by law, I think of it as a tax. and I'll gladly spend a few minutes to reduce it. Good luck! We help each other by sharing our experiences and trading information below. |
(38 months ago) Max
said: Cool site. Thanks!
(39 months ago) Sam
said:I love to save money. Thanks!
(47 months ago) Craig
said:Yes, Justine, my thoughts exactly.
(50 months ago) Justin
said:I save $100 here, and $100 there, and pretty soon, we're talking big money! Thanks!
(50 months ago) Connor
said:$100/year buys a lot of beer!
(50 months ago) Ron
said:Yes, there are big differences in prices for seemingly similar coverage. It pays to shop around.
(50 months ago) Kim
said:Thanks, Renovo, for reminding me to not be lazy and check for a better price!
(50 months ago) Steve
said:Thanks. This was surprisingly easy to get competing quotes and reduce my current bill by over $200
(57 months ago) Kat
said:Thanks! Spent 10 minutes and saved over $200 !
(58 months ago) Wendy
said:@Carol I used to be insured with them many years ago. In fact, they used to be called 20th Century, and had amazingly low rates. But recently, I've been getting better rates elsewhere.
(58 months ago) Wendy
said:I found Allstate to be the best for me
(58 months ago) Jim
said:@Chris it depends on your situation. If you qualify (age) then Hartford is the lowest. If not, maybe try esurance?
(58 months ago) Chris
said:Which was the lowest?
(59 months ago) Carol
said:I never heard of 21st Century. Anyone have experience with them?
(59 months ago) Jane
said:Can anyone beat Hartford?
(64 months ago) Jeff
said:Thanks for making it easy with all the links in one place. The insurance companies make more money if we are too lazy to compare.
(64 months ago) Sam
said:Thanks for the quick, easy savings!
(66 months ago) Ken
said:All 4 were better than my current lame insurer!
(66 months ago) Jane
said:Thanks for setting this up. I got 4 quotes in 5 minutes. Saving enough for "free" Starbucks for the year!
(66 months ago) Nestor
said:Cool! All the choices in one place, saves a lot of research. Thanks!
(67 months ago) Kori said: Thanks for giving me the last push to not be lazy and comparison shop. I save so much more than I thought would be possible, and you made it easy!
(73 months ago) Ethan
said:Thanks for the links. I finally took the 10 minutes and got the 4 quotes. Will be saving over $100 from my current policy with Farmers
(76 months ago) Andrew
said:I reduced my car insurance bill by $45. Not a fortune, but considering it took 10 minutes, not bad at all. Keep up the good work!
(78 months ago) Jenna
said:Allstate was good to me! Thanks for the easy to compare links.
(79 months ago) Alex
said:Could someone PLEASE send a valid 20% off coupon/promo code to YOU!
(79 months ago) Alex
said:Could someone PLEASE send a valid 20% off coupon/promo code to YOU!
(79 months ago) Alex
said:I've saved thousands at Lowe's ($10 and $20 at a time) over the last few years. Now I saved $150 in one shot with esurance. Thanks!
(79 months ago) Mark
said:I saved extra by switching both home and auto to esurance
(79 months ago) Alice
said:Thanks, RenovoPower! I love saving $.
(81 months ago) James
said:Allstate saved me the most. Thanks,
(84 months ago) Pete
said:I qualified for Hartford (AARP) and its a big savings. Thanks!
(84 months ago) Mary
said:I tried, and I tried, and I saved $155. Thanks for the encouragement!
(84 months ago) Kay
said:Thanks for making it so easy to save. Its interesting that I got the best deal at Allstate, while my buddy (who told me to come to this web site) got his best deal at esurance. You never know, so just
(84 months ago) Marvin
said:Nice. Just got a quote $140 lower than my wife did!
(84 months ago) Dawn
said:I like how you have all the major insurance companies links in one page. It took me 10 minutes to get all the quotes, and I chose the winner, saved $179. Thanks!
(84 months ago) Jerry
said:Wow! So easy to save money!
(84 months ago) Sam
said:@June I qualified for Hartford and it was by far the cheapest.
(84 months ago) Steve
said:This site is amazing. For years you helped me save hundreds at Lowes. Now I discovered you can help me save over 20,000 on my Mortgage, and a few hundred on auto insurance. How can I thank you?
(84 months ago) June
said:For me, esurance was also the best. But Allstate was close. I didn't qualify for Hartford. Anyone qualify?
(84 months ago) Barry said: Me too, Trey. Which one was the best for you? Mine was eSurance.
(84 months ago) Trey
said:Wow, I didn't know I was overpaying until I tried out your quotes.
(85 months ago) Craig
said:Thanks. I spent 5 minutes and saved $200
(85 months ago) Jaimie
said:Yes! I saved $$$! Thanks!
(88 months ago) Leo
said:Great way to save $$. Thanks!
(89 months ago) Ron
said:I also "only" saved $20/month using eSurance. But for 5 minutes of paperwork, it was worth it. Thanks!
(90 months ago) Henry
said:Wow! You make it so easy to find the best deal on insurance!
(90 months ago) Joan
said:I didn't know I was overpaying until I used this site to get 4 quotes. 3 out of 4 were lower than my current premium. And the best was lower by over $200. (91 months ago) Al
said:Thanks, Renovopower ! eSurance, baby!
(91 months ago) Helen
said:I got an even better deal with Allstate, because if you do both auto and home policies with them, you get an extra 15% discount. Wow, I was paying too much last year. Thanks,!
(91 months ago) Jimbo
said:esurance saved me tons of money, I mean tons. Thanks!
(91 months ago) RenovoPower Fan
said:I've been saving at Lowes for years thanks to you, and I just discovered this page. esurance gave me a great deal. Thanks
(92 months ago) Corine
said:I saved more here than even on the Lowes page. So cool.
(92 months ago) Steve
said:Thanks for making it easy to save $$$. With the 4 best insurers on the same page, I managed to compare all prices in 15 minutes, and saved over $200. Amazing!
(93 months ago) Mitch
said:Out of curiousity, I clicked on Allstate, and to my surprise, I got quote $330 less than my current one!
(93 months ago) Gavin
said:Thanks. I saved almost $200 and it only took 5 minutes.
(93 months ago) AJ
said:Wow! I never thought I could save so much on my insurance! Thanks!
(94 months ago) Geno
said:It took about 15 minutes, but I went through all 4 of your insurance providers, and reduced my annual bill by $319 so that's over $1000/hour (after tax). Wow! (94 months ago) Jan
said:Thanks for setting this up so its so easy Thanks! You helped me save money once again!
(94 months ago) Peter
said:Thanks, this site really helped me save!
(95 months ago) Jan said: I love to save, and you guys are the best!
(95 months ago) Warren
said:Thank you for helping me save $$$$
(95 months ago) Jimmie
said:Yes, once again you helped me save money, in unexpected w...
(95 months ago) Jimmie
said:Yes, once again you helped me save money, in unexpected ways. Reduced my premium by $52 per 6 months, thats over $100/year. Not bad for 5 minutes of typing...
(95 months ago) Joe
said:You gott'a love esurance!
(96 months ago) Corie
said:Thanks. This is a useful tool. I spent 15 minutes, comparing all the companies. Hartford wouldn't insure me, but I got great quotes from the others. Bottom line, I saved over $200/year. Thanks!
(98 months ago) Greg
said:What a great resource for saving on insurance. Thanks!
(98 months ago) Nancy
said:Cool! I love to save $$$
(100 months ago) Gary
said:I saved over $300 by comparison shopping. Thanks for making it easy!
(100 months ago) Ben
said:Allstate was surprisingly the lowest for me! Thanks.
(100 months ago) Burt
said:I qualified for Hartford (senior citizen discount). Thanks - I didn't know there was such a program before!
(100 months ago) Hans
said:Nice. Thanks for helping me save by getting the best price.
(100 months ago) Maria
said:Thanks for this great web site. Everything that helps us save is a blessing.
(100 months ago) Vince
said:You saved me a ton of money, like a ton!
(100 months ago) Pam
said:You have to be 50 years old (or older) to qualify. But the rates are the best.
(100 months ago) Ben
said:Do you have to be a senior citizen to qualify for Hartford's amazingly low rates ?
(100 months ago) Vince
said:You saved me a ton of money, like a ton!
(100 months ago) Dave
said:eSurance saved me a ton of money, like a ton.
(100 months ago) Dean
said:Allstate gave me a quote that was $438 lower than my current policy. Thank you !
(101 months ago) Hans
said:Comparenow is really efficient. I just entered my info once and got the best quote over many big insurance companies. Differences of over $400 !
(101 months ago) Kate said: Thanks! It was really useful to put together these links. I compared and found big price disparities. Finally, I chose a policy that saved me over $300!
(101 months ago) Jimmy
said:I saved $325 using the link above. But I don't see it anymore. Do the different companies rotate ? Should I try the new ones, too ?
(101 months ago) Bill K.
said:eSurance lowered my bill by $278. I'm a happy camper. Thanks, RenovoPower!
(101 months ago) Karen
said:I saved over $200 by switching to Allstate, and I didn't know they were considered cheap until I filled out the application and got the quote!
(101 months ago) Mary
said:How cool. All the links in one place. I am confident I got the lowest premium thanks to you.
(101 months ago) Darril
said:If you're a Costco member, you can get a great rate. There is a link above sometimes (they seem to rotate).
(101 months ago) Megan
said:eSurance saved me a ton, like a ton!
(101 months ago) Jay
said:eSurance is the best!
(101 months ago) Anonymous
said:Metromile is an amazing concept. You pay your insurer per mile you drive. I drive very little (retired) but I need a car, and required to have insurance by law.
(102 months ago) Mark
said:I got the best deal from GEICO, through your link. Thanks!
(104 months ago) George M.
said:Yeah, I also love "beats the **** out of Obamacare"
(104 months ago) Angela
said:Thanks! I didn't realize I could get a better deal with a private insurer than with Obamacare. Yes, "beats the **** out of Obamacare" :) (105 months ago) Yuri
said:Its by luck. Right now I see a link to Progressive Insurance
(105 months ago) LInda
said:I don't see any links. I'm guessing this no longer works?
(105 months ago) Aksha
said:Hi Renovo, I am not able to see the link to get the quotes. I tried in Chrome and firefox. But, none of them showing links. Can you please help me. (106 months ago) Josh
said:Thank you Kumar, the big links rotate, and you can refresh your browser to get different ones. There are always the small blue ones right above. Good luck!
(106 months ago) Kumar
said:I don't see any link to get Quote
(106 months ago) Raaz
said:Do not see any links to compare insurances.
(106 months ago) Henry
said:Thanks! I am a member of Costco, and until now, I didn't know that Ameriprise insurance gives Costco members a huge discount on auto policies. Saved over $200
(107 months ago) Jena
said:I tried the 4 blue links and got 4 quotes, the lowest was $547 lower than the highest, and about $200 less than my current policy would cost if I renew it with my current insurer. So, no brainer, saved $200 in 10 minutes.
(108 months ago) Gil said: I clicked on the little blue "AAA Insurance" link and got a great quote. I didn't even know that AAA sold insurance. Thanks.
(109 months ago) Anonymous
said:How did i compare the insurance ? where to enter details
(109 months ago) Rock
said:Saved $50 / six months. Thanks!
(109 months ago) Buena
said:Wish there was such a thing as 'promo codes' for insurance....but in reality, the only thing you can do is comparison shop. You never know what rate a company will charge.
(110 months ago) Jimmie M.
said:Every bit of savings helps.
(110 months ago) Georgios
said:Nice, I was able to save $89/six month , that's almost $200/year, for 10 minutes of paperwork (on the web).
(111 months ago) Lupita
said:Its always good to compare prices. You never know who has the best price, and the savings can be in the hundreds.
(111 months ago) Lupita
said:Its always good to compare prices. You never know who has the best price, and the savings can be in the hundreds.
(111 months ago) Jeremy
said:I see 4 links right above the comments, including one to Farmers Insurance, and another 4 at the top.
(111 months ago) Katie
said:There are little blue ones at the top, Abe.
(111 months ago) Abe
said:Thanks!!! where the links at tho?
(111 months ago) Abe
said:Thanks!!! where the links at tho?
(112 months ago) Jimbo
said:I'm selling my home. The buyer insisted I provide a home warranty. My real estate agent tried to push a plan that would cost me over $500 (I think she is getting a 50% referral fee). I got it at half that cost by going directly to the insurance company that issues this. I got the number (1-800-741-7579) from this page. Thanks, renovo!
(112 months ago) Josh
said:There are random ones all over, Kal. You can get different ones by refreshing the page, too.
(112 months ago) Kal
said:Which link am I supposed to use to get the quotes? (112 months ago) Chris
said:Thanks, Got it.
(113 months ago) Jill
said:Chris, the links (ractangles above) alternate all the time. If you don't see any good ones, refresh your browser. Right now I am getting lots of StateFarm banners. (113 months ago) Chris
said:Also, there's always the little blue links right above. No area or link to shop at. Maybe I am missing something.
(113 months ago) Abe
said:Progressive Insurance found me the best rate.
(114 months ago) JP
said:I went with Liberty Mutual.
(114 months ago) KC said: Great place to comparison shop.
(114 months ago) Joan
said:StateFarm gave the best price!
(114 months ago) Freddie
said:Allstate has been good to me.
(114 months ago) Maggie M.
said:I was with USAA but now I switched to GEICO. Thanks, renovopower!
(114 months ago) Kathy
(114 months ago) John K.
said:I rarely drive. Metromile will cut my insurance bill in half! (114 months ago) Stephanie
said:Thanks renovopower. Without you I would never have heard of this auto insurance plan. This page was helpful. I found 4 different quotes here. I'm amazed at the price differences. By taking the best one I'm saving over $300 compared to the worst one. I didn't realize it was so important to shop around for insurance. Thanks,
(114 months ago) Suzie
said:Its GEICO for me. Why have I been paying Liberty Mutual so much more ? I guess I was just lazy to get quotes and compare side-by-side until now. Thank you RenovoPower!
(114 months ago) Jorge
said:I got $1 million coverage from Hiscox for just $29/month! (114 months ago) KLS
said:That's HALF what the other insurance companies were charging me!!!!! Cool! I love saving money. Never hurts to check out more auto insurance quotes, comparison shop. (114 months ago) Jaqueline
said:Thanks, Thanks! I got 3 quotes from the auto insurance companies on this page, and lowered my semi-annual car insurance premium by $102 from my current insurer. That will save me $204 per year, if I stay with them for the year. I might check back here in 6 months to see if you have even better deals for me. Thanks, J.
(114 months ago) RenovoPower
said:Sorry Bev - the banners rotate. Try to refresh a couple times until you get the "good" ones. I am seeing Aetna and several GEICOs right now.
(114 months ago) Bev
said:Hi! (114 months ago) drayton
said:What am I doing wrong? I do not see any links to click on. Thanks! Progressive raised my rates twice because both times, they said my rates were based on introductory offers. Never had a claim or otherwise. they also tried to refer me to collections based on a $20 unpaid late fee while I inquired about the rate hike. Will never use them again.
(114 months ago) Al
said:There's a link to AAA and they have really good insurance. Maybe not always the lowest rates, but great customer service.
(114 months ago) KY
said:I see 21st Century and Progressive, as well as Aetna insurance.
(114 months ago) Josh
said:I see 21st Century insurance in the corner - they're not bad.
(114 months ago) Sergei
said:I see Farmers and Liberty in the little blue links. I also see "Per-Mile Car Insurance" in the big banners. I am a contractor (spend lots at Lowe's, that's why I'm at this web site all the time!), and use Hiscox for my general business liability insurance, and it covers my truck. You can usually see Hiscox a bit lower on the page, and to the side.
(114 months ago) Kim
said:The links are rotating between different insurance companies. For example, right now, I see "Metromile" on on the top-left. That's an auto insurance ("by the mile"). I also see "eCoverage" on the top right - although that is health insurance, not auto, and I see "Hiscox" way bottom right - but I think (?) you need to be a small business owner to qualify for Hiscox. Then I see little blue links right above this comment with Liberty Insurance. If you don't see a good one, refresh your browser until a good one comes out.
(114 months ago) daisy
said:Where to get the quotes? Do not see any link or places to click on this page.
(114 months ago) ee said: Hapaki, do you have to be a Costco member to get Ameriprise? (114 months ago) Hapaki
said:I'm with GEICO. Are they cheaper ? TIA. Hands down, Ameriprise, they are a Costco affiliation. Can't beat the price, I don't know about there claims service as I have never had to file a claim in 10 years with them.
(114 months ago) Matt
said:If you're on the east coast (PA, WV, NY, OH, MD....) there is no cheaper/better insurance than Erie Insurance. I switched years ago and saved hundreds/year. Finally talked my mom into switching from Nationwide a few months ago. Her annual car insurance premium was cut in half! Look them up and request a quote. Maybe they offer coverage in all states. Not sure. Good luck though.
(114 months ago) Larry
said:Joan: yes, Hiscox, despite the funny name, is the cheapest insurance for businesses, like contractors, accountants, engineers, etc. I bought my professional liability insurance from them.
(114 months ago) Joan
said:"Hiscox" is that for real ?
(114 months ago) Carla
said:Progressive is the best
(114 months ago) Manny
said:Where is GEICO? I want to compare.
(115 months ago) Anonymous
said:Great place to get and compare auto insurance quotes!
(115 months ago) Steve K.
said:I compared the 3 companies on this page: SA, 21, GEICO. Took me about 5 minutes to do all 3. (115 months ago) internetbrowser
said:I got the best quote from GEICO. Saved big time. Thanks, renovopower!!! SafeAuto does not write policies in Rhode Island, but rather links to Progressive. I already insure my motorcycle with them, and they are the cheapest for that purpose. 21st Century was somewhat disappointing. They did not offer the same coverage selections of my current carrier, USAA. Even for their inferior coverage, they came out over $200 higher for the six month term. This was for two pickup trucks and two cars on one policy. In fairness, I also insure my home and two other residential buildings with USAA, and have been a customer for about 18 years, so I get discounts at multiple levels. For the typical individual insuring one or two vehicles, or those who do not need a high level of coverage, it's worth the five minutes or so to get a quote. Your experience may be significantly different than mine. The staff at 21st Century will follow up with a phone call if you don't buy coverage, but they're polite and do not pressure you to buy. | eBates Is Now Called Rakuten 1% Cash Back at Lowe's + $25 bonus after first $25 order That's a 101% rebate. For real! ![]() Sometimes you can find good deals on Walmart or Best Buy or Discounted Gift Cards |