
On this page we help you get the lowest cost home loans (mortgage) or auto loans. Even a small difference in interest rate between the different lenders can add up to large amounts of money Our members have reported saving thousands of Dollars by comparison shopping the different lenders. And that's not bad for 10 minutes of "work". Yes, you must fill out the application all the way to the boring end...keep one open, then "copy-paste" the data to the next one, but you must complete the forms to get a quote and to save bucks! Different banks have different borrowing costs at different times, so it is a constantly moving target. Here you can request quotes simultaneously from several of the most aggressive lenders, and lock in the rock bottom rate which you can enjoy for 15 or 30 years. Act before its too late.

Our favorate place to get multiple mortgage/refinance offers: LendingTree gives you multiple quotes.

We wish you success in finding, buying, maintaining, and improving your home! If we can help you save some money throughout, then we have accomplished our task.

I want to share a story from my personal experience. When I was in high school, I took an economics class. Our teacher told us on the first day what he thinks qualifies him to teach economics. He said that he bought his house in the 1950's with a 30 year mortgage at 3%. By the 80's the rates were mid to high double digits. Inflation was close to double digits, and definitely way above 3% for decades. Then he explained to us the concept of "time value" of money, inflation, and discounting future dollars. His thesis (and life experience) is that selecting the right mortgage is critical to the ultimate profitability of one's investment in a home. The conclusion of his analysis was that effectively, "the system" paid him to live in his house, rather then vice-versa, all because he acted at the right time. Another way of looking at it, is that he was able to borrow dollar at a fixed rate, and the Dollar went through a rapid depreciation in the following decades (reflecting in the inflated price of his home in current Dollars). Buying a home was merely the "excuse" needed to be able to borrow such large amounts of Dollars.

Good luck! We help each other by sharing our experiences and freely trading information below.

(15 months ago) Al said:
I missed my chance to refinance. I should have listened to you...
(35 months ago) Ned said:
Thanks! This is probably the best way to get the best rate.
(35 months ago) Sam said:
First you help me save on my auto insurance, and now on my Mortgage. Wow!
(40 months ago) Mark said:
(43 months ago) Kim said:
Wow! Great rates, and I will save a lot every month!
(46 months ago) Niel said:
Rates are so low now, its a no brainer to refinance!
(46 months ago) Cynthia said:
Refinance! I love to reduce our monthly expenses! Then I buy more jewelry :)
(46 months ago) Mike said:
Nice story. And rates have hit a new low. I love to reduce my monthly expenses. More toward my retirement!
(46 months ago) Josh said:
Thanks! I forgot to check, and rates had gone down, its like I was throwing money in the garbage :)
(46 months ago) Isabel Armstead said:
Dear Marketing/Editor Team

I'm reaching out because I wanted to seek for sponsored posts opportunity.

Please let me know if it is available.

(47 months ago) Lisa said:
Todays rates are so low, not refinancing is like throwing money away. Check it out at lending tree.
(48 months ago) Julia said:
(53 months ago) Tom said:
(53 months ago) Kim said:
Thanks, that was easy and painless. $317 savings EACH MONTH !
(54 months ago) Val said:
2.6% wow, amazing. Thanks!!!
(54 months ago) Valentina said:
Thanks for helping me save $400 / month. That's almost $5000 / year !
(54 months ago) Bernie said:
Rates are lowest I've EVER seen! Thanks for making it so easy to save!
(54 months ago) Skyler said:
I didn't realize rates were so low. Should I thank corovavirus or renovopower? Anyway, you helped me save lots of $$$$.
(55 months ago) Dave said:
Thanks for giving me the "nudge". I didn't realize rates were so low. I've been overpaying. I'm going to save a lot now, thanks!
(60 months ago) Steve said:
I've been overpaying by almost $400/month. What a waste of my hard earned money. Thanks for giving me the push to refinance. I had to come back here and post it!

(60 months ago) Arun said:
I didn't realize I was paying way too much. I owe you!
(61 months ago) Lu said:
It was easier than I thought. Thanks!
(62 months ago) Prem said:
We're new home buyers, and need all the help we can get. I hope to repeat the history of your economics teacher. Thanks!
(62 months ago) Kang said:
I spent several days looking at rates and fees from different banks. Now I got a much better winning quote here in just minutes. Wow!
(62 months ago) Wendy said:
Thanks, this is cool! Saved money and learned some economics :)
(63 months ago) Darius said:
I amit I was too lazy. Never imagined I could save so much money with so little work. With your "push" I tried LendingTree and saving $500/month. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(69 months ago) Prem said:
Love your economics lesson. I will try Lending Tree and see what happens...
(72 months ago) Anonymous said:
(75 months ago) John Boy said:
Love your site. Keep up the good work!
(75 months ago) Val said:
Love your story, and love the savings I was able to get. Thanks a million!
(78 months ago) Kaila said:
I just got a $10 rebate from Ebates, now I'm going for a $1000 savings here. Wish me luck!
(80 months ago) Jeff said:
5 minutes to save tens of thousands of Dollars. No brainer!
(80 months ago) Shannon said:
Multiple quotes is the only way to go. I filled out ONE application, and got 3 competing banks to bid their best rates. Thanks.
(80 months ago) Grace said:
I didn't know I could get the lenders to compete over my business. Cool!
(80 months ago) John said:
Yes. A 1/4 percent reduction saves me $37,500 in interest over the life of my loan. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(80 months ago) Steve said:
Wow, a small reduction in rates saves me over $20,000 over the life of my loan. THANKS!
(81 months ago) Rich said:
Cool site. Thanks.
(81 months ago) Seth said:
Read the posts about saving so much. Got motivated and got multiple quotes using the link above. I wish I had done it earlier! Chase is ripping me off, I'll save thousands refinancing. Thanks!
(81 months ago) Craig said:
Me, too! I've been saving with Lowes promo codes here for years, and just discovered the insurance and Mortgage pages.
(81 months ago) Barry said:
I didn't know I was overpaying until I got these quotes. Thanks!!!

(82 months ago) Sean said:
Thanks for creating this resource. I got quotes from Mortgage companies I didn't think of trying before. And saving $150 each month is great!
(83 months ago) pat said:
please Provide Lowes coupon code.
(83 months ago) pat said:
please provide 15 of 75 code. Thank you!
(86 months ago) Eric said:
I didn't imagine getting multiple quotes and choosing the best is so easy. Thanks!
(86 months ago) Jean Claude said:
I enjoyed the anecdote about the economics teacher....but I enjoyed even more that your link helped me reduce my payment by over $200 each month.
I had to come back here and thank you.
(87 months ago) Dave said:
Thanks for the tip. Lendingtree is a great source, as they shop around for you and get you the best rate in the market. Saves days of work.
(87 months ago) Duke said:
Thanks for creating this we site!
(88 months ago) kute said:
(89 months ago) Karen said:
Yes, getting multiple quotes with a single application is the way to go. Thanks!
(89 months ago) Jeff said:
I didn't know there can be such a big difference in the rates/fees of the different lenders. Wow! this tool is a must!
(89 months ago) Joe said:
Yeah, baby!
(89 months ago) Milo said:
Thanks. I saved a lot of dough!
(90 months ago) Sean said:
Yes, this system works, because I got a quote lower than any...
(90 months ago) Sean said:
Yes, this system works, because I got a quote lower than anything me or my wife were able to find in the last 2 weeks of searching for refinance (and rates did NOT go down during this time). Thanks!
(90 months ago) Joe said:
(92 months ago) Bryson said:
Kudos to you! I hadn't thuhogt of that!
(92 months ago) Jackie said:
Thanks for this resource. I got 3 quotes in 15 minutes. All 3 were better than the quote that took me half a day to get from my bank.
(94 months ago) Marla said:
Wow! I saved $240/month in 10 minutes of work.
(95 months ago) Larry said:
Cool. I got a really low rate by using your comparison quotes. Thanks!
(95 months ago) Jean said:
Nice site. I got 2 offers better than the best one my husband got. Saving $$$ for our family is top priority. Thanks!

(96 months ago) Will said:
Using your links I was able to compare over 10 loans, and grabbed the best one. Despite what my father told me, there is actually a big difference between the lenders, so its important to do this.
(96 months ago) Emma said:
Quicken came through for us. Thanks!
(96 months ago) Greg said:
Thanks for making it easy to cut my Mortgage bill. Everything I need is in this one page. No running around.
(96 months ago) Jeff said:
I like your "quick and easy quotes". I'm confident I got the best possible rate as they shopped dozens of programs for me. Thanks!
(96 months ago) Bart said:
Yeah, Marcy we also reduced our monthly payment by over $200. Thanks,
(96 months ago) Marcy said:
We saved $203/month by using your comparison shopping links. Over 30 years that must be a LOT OF MOENY. Thanks!
(96 months ago) John K. said:
I used your link (above) and got a rate that saves me $246 PER MONTH vs. the best rate I had before. Thanks!
(96 months ago) Carl said:
You saved us a lot of comparison shopping. This is the best place for "one stop comparison", and we saved thousands!
(96 months ago) Joey said:
Thanks for helping me save. I used your link to get competitive quotes and am now saving $238/month from the "best" rate my neighbor recommended. Over 30 years, I'll save $86K, like a yearly salary!
(97 months ago) Karen said:
I thought all the Mortgages had almost the same rates, until I saw this web page, and got offers lower than any of my local banks. Thanks!
(97 months ago) Josh said:
Thanks for putting this together for us. Now I know I will get the best rate.
(97 months ago) Mindy said:
I love to save money, and you guys are the greatest!
(97 months ago) Jason said:
Thanks. I never knew I could get such a low rate!
(97 months ago) Jim said:
Yes, unfortunately you're right. I sold my condo last month, and the buyer insisted on a warranty. My agent said "no problem, its peanuts for a minimal warranty". I got my closing papers, they deducted $575 from my sales proceeds. Now I see that I could have bought this policy for less than $300. I had no idea.
(97 months ago) Craig said:
Thanks for this wonderful resource. We want to get the best rate, and don't like pushy salespeople. This is cool!
(97 months ago) Ken said:
quickenloans took care of us. Will use them again.
(97 months ago) Andrew said:
I highly recommend Lendingtree
(97 months ago) Kim said:
Anyone have experience with GreenLight ?
(98 months ago) Grace said:
eSurance saved me $$$. Thanks!!!
(98 months ago) Joe said:
Cashcall is really good. No fees and great rate.

(98 months ago) Kim said:
I didn't realize how much I was overpaying. And its adds up each month. Thanks for giving me the "push" not to be lazy. Why should I give my money away to the banks ?
(99 months ago) Jim said:
Thanks! I saved thousands in 10 minutes.
(99 months ago) Jason said:
Yes! Thanks!
(99 months ago) Jason said:
You helped me save on my insurance and now save big bucks on my home mortgage
(99 months ago) Wow! said:
I'll save so much its embarrasing (that my best rate before was so high)
(99 months ago) Tom said:
Great rates, easy application.
(99 months ago) Henry said:
I like the high school economics lesson. Love your website, and all the $$$ I'm saving!!
(99 months ago) Pamela said:
This saves time by not having to fill 5 different applications, and we did save money.
Thanks, !
(99 months ago) Janett said:
I want to share my experience: Often the bank (or mortgage co.) wants to select your home insurance for you (if escrowed) and if you're lazy and let them, somehow the premium is higher than if you shop around. Get a home insurance quote first. Then, when they "offer to help" with their escrowed home insurance, you'll know if they're ripping you off!
(99 months ago) Saul said:
Wow, I had heard of New American Funding (TV commercial maybe) but I didn't realize how easy to use their system is. I got 5 quotes and 2 of them are so low I will grab one! Thanks.

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